• Life knocks you down, stabs you, shoots you, strangles you with a rope... it is unfair to say the least; but that constant battering erodes us, slowly chips away at our souls and shapes us into beings that are ultimately unmatched in terms of life itself. We do more than Live, we do more than thrive; we survive-- which in my opinion, is the greatest feat we have ever endured. It's not a fulfilled life if you dwell in the negativity of it; just remember the smal miracles around you, and the immense beauty that is held in the most simplest of things. As a race striving for the future, so many of us forget to stop and appreciate the things that have been beside us through both our present and past. We often forget, or even ignore, the vast beauty of our earth as we are immersed in our technology. If we are to truely strive as a race, as Humans, we need to let ourselves feel the cool breeze on our faces as we stand before vast plains of green and gold, taste the pure waters of the mountains as you peer at the valleys below, and hear the thundering of powerful storms as they sweep through our lushes forests. These are the true feats of the earth, which exceed the feats of humankind to a degree beyond belief. These are all the giant fruits of greatness that the world has given us, and to those who think that all hope for themselves is lost-- don't; because even after all the wars and fighting, disease and poverty, the natural beauty has stayed never-changing by our side. Life may be unfair, but it sure makes up for it in miracles.
    You may never land on the moon, or become the president; but at the end of your day, at the end of your life, you can say more than just "I lived a good life". Because the fact is, you didn't live a good life. you survived it.