• Wings spread far
    With just one single flap whole houses crumble to dust.
    Jaws open wide
    With just one single bite a group of people can be swallowed.
    Scales so big
    With just one single scale a family may dine on a feast with no lack of space.
    Lungs breathing so deep
    With just one single puff of breath whole villages set up in flames.
    Chest puffed out so much
    With so much confidence you stroll along terrifying every life form.
    Tears so sad
    With just one single tear rain falls from the sky.
    Heart so large
    With no baby to live your heart feels cold and lonely.
    Egg so special
    With just one single egg brings hope for future and reason to live for the present.
    Dragon so magnificent
    With no other place to go you fly off in the sunset disappearing into nothing leaving nothing behing except one single egg.
    Good-bye so painful
    With just one single good-bye the whole dragon race is never to return with one last touch of the cold, dead egg.