• Takumi, my beloved, why did you have to die
    Was I not enough to meet your desire
    Remembering every sensual thing that made you on fire
    Every kiss, every touch that I’ll no longer feel makes me cry
    From the day we first met, I have always loved you
    But for you to come to terms of loving another man made you rather shy
    I waited, ever patiently and more for you to come
    Never thinking that I would one day make you succumb
    You finally came to me, wanting your pleasure to go higher and higher
    But always cautious, never doing anything without thinking of consequences that would be dire
    My heart still thinks that this one day wouldn’t come true
    And that we’ll be together forever, never saying adieu
    In the end though, it was not enough and now in this grave that you lie
    I finally realize that you never wanted this sweetening taboo