• So many feelings. So many emotions running around out of control. I cant use them because I dont know how. No one ever taught me. The one person who was supposed to has left me alone in the dark. All alone. Full of hate and despair. I grew up on the belief that this is what the world was. Misery and lies. But I've been shown that theres more to it. There is more to it then just hating. More to it then justseeing the outside. There is love and passion and romance. There is hope that in humanity we can still love each other. I was shown this rule of law by a very special individual. Although we are torn from each other, we know we still have that spirit. That fire that will never burn out. We are still one.

    We look around us and see all our problems. We aknowledge them and move on. We tell each other not to worry becuse we're still happy. We make our own light and no one can stop us otherwise. For all who are reading this please know that you are loved by some individual. By some person who sees your light as brighter than anyone else's. I want you to feel the love as I have felt. I want you to be happy in life. Take this message to heart and look for your other light. When you do, keep it with you, and never lit it die out.

    Always have your light, and never let such a good thing disappear.