• I hide my pain deep inside
    Never letting others see what lies behind my eyes
    My heart has suffered greatly
    Always getting hurt
    Falling in love
    But in the end getting a broken heart
    Each piece breaking and shattering into more and more pieces
    Never getting healed
    I give and I give all of my love
    Until I have nothing left to give
    But never receiving anything back
    Letting myself fall deeper and deeper
    Not once being the one fallen for
    Chasing after so many and ending with less and less
    This heart I carry can no longer take the beatings
    It beats and beats within me
    Seeking love
    Seeking devotion
    Seeking passion
    Seeking something permanent that cannot be taken away
    Seeking someone who will stay by its side until the end of time
    But no
    My heart will never find it
    Find its soul mate
    Its true love
    The one person it seeks who will never ever break it