• A Star's Story

    Once upon the eastern sky twinkled a star who wasn't very bright. He thought" I glimmer with the faintest light and every other star I see gleams all night." He wondered if no other star shone if he'd still be unnoticed his orbit unknown. Still he did his very best twinkling and beaming among the rest. Feeling dull he compared himself to a star in the northern sky." I want to be that" thought the star... I want to be a fixed star, I want a name, I want to be known by those who know stars. So as ideas formed the star expanded and as his mass increased he began to orbit a small planet. "This is better already. I've become a fixed star in a new sky. This is my moment to show the universe how even a small star like me can shine". So he did. He expanded some more with presence and light that when he burned brightest it was no longer night. It was so bright when he glimmered that you could no longer see any other star or planet or galaxy. All the stars dreams had come true. He had a name and a fierce glow that lit up the eastern sky. It was so amazing his very presence and shining became known as dawn. He was no longer an unknown star but he had become the sun.