• To eat or not to eat – that is the question,
    Should I push this sweet dish away
    And live to know that my body shall thank me today.
    Or should I let this creamy delight pass through my lips,
    And, while letting it melt on my tongue, regret my decision.

    To pass it up, to say nay to this superior sugary goodness –
    No more – and by walking away
    To face the dreaded salad bar
    That sits in the far corner of the cafeteria, masked by a dirty sneeze guard –
    Alas, a decision
    I wish I never had to make.

    To eat, too fat –
    Being fat, for what seemed like an eternity. This is my dilemma,
    For now temptation knocks at my door, begging me to indulge in Delight,
    Being overweight, I miss out what I wish I could do.
    It makes me stop and think of what running and swimming could be like.
    This is my dilemma.

    But who wouldn’t choose white cream that isn’t lean over sickly healthy green.
    The overwhelming smell of waffles drowned in syrup
    Will always beat the tasteless mess of oatmeal,
    The horrible taste of sugar free,
    The choice of plain o.j verses yummy Sunny D
    Why would anyone go through the torture?

    Who would choose sugar that’s fake over rich sweet cake,
    To groan and whine over the blandness that has invaded the mouth,
    But what horror is it to become what you eat,
    What downsides may come from this,
    While we lie in that hospital bed,
    Begging for another chance to choose this or that
    For a wise person once said,
    A moment in the lips, an eternity in the hips.

    Thus this fear of being a ball of blubber makes veggy heads of us all,
    The dream of sweet and moist cannot be fulfilled
    For it is a sin to our bodies and good health,
    The rich fattening dessert will only be lost in our weak minds
    Knowing thus, resistance to the tasteless ends in sorrow
    We lose ourselves in our dreams.