• #125: It’s night time in Fallujah
    A mother says a prayer
    She’s been running all her life
    Trying to avoid the violence of war
    Seemed like it’s been following her
    As she holds a baby
    The ground troops can prepare
    The air raid sirens wail
    A young man stands with children behind him
    He yells for freedom
    They systematically gun him down
    And I’m watching from my bedroom
    Hidden behind a TV screen
    In my home in America where all is a dream
    The news man calls him a terrorist
    Reminds us all to be thankful we are safe here
    Where all is a dream
    Well I know it’s all a lie
    Freedom is a battle to be fought
    On a global scale and no less
    That battle starts with us
    So I’m making my decisions
    Holding onto my hears
    I’m gripping the rails
    Yet I’m still falling down the stairs
    Yet I still refuse to give in
    Because there is a vision in my head
    That can’t be beaten down
    And that’s to be a freeman
    In this very town
    And everywhere else I may travel
    So I’m awaiting revolution
    Every second of my life
    I’m so thankful just to have this chance to speak
    And to support my comrades
    Just 17 years behind me
    With limited more to come
    So I gotta make the most of what I got
    Yet still at times I gotta lay low
    These feds got me paranoid
    Dreams of running through halls
    Flashlights and sirens
    As my back is pressed to the wall
    Still I fight them everyday
    Like a shotgun blast to my heart
    We of the youth have got to find a place to stand
    Along with our nation we must rise
    We will then realize how scared this government really is
    Trying to turn us against each other
    So we could have our freedom
    As soon as we declare
    And strive for a world without their dictatorships
    We have had too much oppression
    So much pain in so many ways
    The workforce of this nation sleeping in the rain
    This government is running about
    Filling this world up with bullet shells
    Just think
    And we could stop it all
    The best days of our lives are spent running form police
    Throwing teargas over barricades
    The news calls it naïve
    Declares us all anarchist
    Yet here we are
    Still holding onto the will to fight
    In snow, rain, and hail
    Just like their heroes did 200 years ago
    Still they tell us we are evil
    Misguided and insane
    So I’m approaching their divisions
    My comrades by my sides
    Arming them with everything I can
    Words or weapons all in all is fair
    Our aim is global liberty
    We will never stop instill we are satisfied
    I have seen countless atrocities
    That’s just in the last few years
    As I disregard what I have been taught to fear
    So I raise my fist up high
    I will reclaim what has been stolen
    From my sanity to the rights of man