• If you see a girl
    and fall in love with her
    think about the choices that you make
    to hold her close
    if your mind blows
    every second of the day...
    to figure it our if she sees me
    then you think
    its not to be
    in till that day she walks to you
    (and you stare into her eyes)
    and it opens up a demise
    and you think about every!!!
    every moment in front of you!!!
    in till
    she starts to fall away!
    its all the same!!!!

    you fall in love with her
    you stay together
    you start to fade away!!!!!
    from everything!!!!
    Besides her!!!!!!!

    After days and days go by
    this thought goes through your mind
    of every heart break
    you ever had
    and then you think
    will this happen agian
    (Even though you think is the girl of your dreams)
    they fall apart
    (then you cry and think of things.)
    (then u fall and walk away)
    and ruin your life
    (cause you fell in love with her anyways....)

    she loses you in sight!
    You see her with a diffrent guy
    You life starts to fill!!!!!
    with so much pain!!!

    Oh yes!!!!!
    you go insane!!!
    you loved her!
    he left you!
    you start to cry about everything
    About you!
    you start to scream
    and you destroy everything
    in your mind !but don't
    let her ruin your life
    she might say
    shes sorry
    tell her no thanks tonight
    every time!!!!!
    you fall in love!!!!!
    they come back!!!
    and ruin you!!!

    Walk away say goodbye
    she asks for a date, tell her noo damn way
    don't cry! she will always be this way
    so if you think
    she worth it.
    think about what she did..

    Think about it!
    Think about it!
