• I sing the melody
    Of sadness everyday
    Waiting for it to be my turn
    With an infinite delay
    A song always waiting
    Waiting to be spun
    Out of the sadness and weakness
    I wish to run.

    To run away from pain
    Is a hopeless wish
    Being alone to me
    Is really pure bliss
    Because when your alone
    No one can hear
    How lonely you are
    and what you fear.

    Back and forth, the words erupt
    The words of hatred and loneliness
    To you, I entrust
    Thrown to the side, left alone to cry
    I sing the song of sadness
    Then time passes by...

    and finally, I see
    Why I always cried
    Always sung a song of sadness
    It's because you never really said goodbye
    Having to see you
    Every single day
    To talk like we're friends
    It increased the pain.

    Of all the lies and all the things
    That you put me through
    This time, the pain went right through
    How is that after all this time
    I was never done loving you?

    So the song I was singing
    Was just a song of pain
    A song of always being left alone
    Because it happened again
    The syncopated rhythm
    Should of explained
    That I was always off my path
    That I was always pained

    With the smile I plaster
    Upon on my face
    I try to sing happily
    Yet you can still see the pain
    It's in my eyes
    Far under my words
    I'm alright, I'm okay
    The most common words I use
    That portray what I'm not.

    No one can see
    Past my words
    None of them can see
    All of the hurt
    No one can hear
    The loneliest of the cries
    For everything is left alone
    That is me.
    On the grand music staff
    I'd be Middle C.