• Do you know why a
    rose has thorns?

    A rose symbolizes the
    love and trust of two people,
    it is red to show passion,
    and how mesmorizing love can be

    But then theres thorns.

    Thorns are there to protect the
    rose from others. It help keeps
    love pure and untouched by anyone

    Some people will grasp the rose,
    and p***k thier hand and bring blood.
    Those are the real saints of love.

    They will push and push themselves
    into someones heart. That might be
    a good thing, that might be a bad thing.
    It all depends on the rose.

    But regardless, anybody who is willing
    to endanger themselves to give and bring
    love is a hero. Red- their blood on the roses
    thorn also symbolizes love. Real love that
    anybody or everybody can understand