• Blackbird oh blackbird
    Come from the sky
    Help my strife lift
    And let my sprit fly

    Raven oh raven
    Who sees the unseen
    I see the things you do
    What's happening to me?

    Starlings oh starlings
    You fly with the moon
    Your spirits are pure
    I hope to join you all soon

    Woodpeccker, woodpecker
    Descend from the tree
    Not a fear of a bullet
    Only birds are that carefree...

    Mockingbird, mockingbird
    Feathers of coal
    You laugh at the sufferers
    What is your goal?

    Chickidee, chickidee
    The end is now near
    Anything to say to me?
    Something for me to hear?

    My life is a struggle
    None see the pain
    Who's pain? Not mine
    The spirits do ordain
    Once you are gone
    You cannot turn back
    Your history lost from script
    Your embers are black


    Mourning dove, mourning dove
    Face of a ghost
    Weep you no longer
    For I am your host.