• God makes no mistakes
    So no one has the right to make you feel like one.
    Perfection is not one person.
    Who has the nerve to say they are perfect and you are not?
    Who has the right to make you feel so bad
    That the only solution to your pain is a bullet through your head?
    I could never think of such a thing
    But it happens.
    It happens everywhere.
    Girls who point and whisper
    Too insecure with themselves to realize what they are doing to others.
    Rumors are spread
    Lives hurt
    Spirits crushed by one text message, one phone call, one facebook post.
    It might go from the boy sitting alone on the bus
    To your neighbor's friend
    To your best friend
    To your sibling
    To you.
    We have lessons in school
    People who speak at assemblies all over the country
    We have ehard this from our parents, our friends parents, our teachers
    Only a few people listen.
    God makes no mistakes.
    God makes no mistakes.
    So who should listen to God and step up and say they won't take this anymore?
    Someone pure of spirit
    Happy enough with themselves to ignore the comments of the insecure and weak
    And help others through their strife.
    Who knows?
    It could be you
    Because God makes no mistakes.

    ~Comment this if you are against bullying~