• Ripping, tearing, crying and screaming. These are the sounds that vibrate through the air when your world falls apart in an instant. When your security and individuality slips away like a distant dream. The feel of your last breaths as they echo in your chest when the last of the fight disappears from your eyes, these are the things that haunt your thoughts when a nightmare becomes real. Broken into a million pieces like an impossible puzzle, struggling to glue everything together. One piece in place only to have three fall again. Nightmares, flashbacks playing like detailed movies in your head causing you to stop in your tracks, shivering as you feel his hands on you all over again. Life becomes a living horror story every day a fight to get back to imaginary time before innocence was tarnished before you became a hollow version of yourself. One unchangeable moment that sucked your being from your soul like a black hole taking everything and making it void.