• Breathless and still breathing, living but still dying, screaming but held silent, crying but never shed a tear from all this pain afflicted here, in this empty room. Dying in this empty room. Memories of life flash before my eyes. For all my flaws I care not because I miss you here my dear. So I'll lay awake tonight wishing, groping, holding tight the memories of you by my side.

    tab We are all but one. We are here and there we see you standing there. We wish to hold you tight but the closer we come the further you are. My golden one blazing a trail into my dark abyss. Awaking the parts lost with in. We feel power pulsing, fear eating, love erupting from every pore from our very core......

    Limbs tangled together. The beat of your heart pounding in our chest. Soft lips against our skin, radiant with heat.....Our body's a blur what once was two is now one. We are you, you are us. Flowing through veins of love boiling with sensations overwhelmed by our tremendous passion......