• So I'll swing my head
    While you hide your eyes
    Knowing I don't want
    To hear your lies

    We both know you're wrong
    Drowning in corruption
    While my anger explodes
    In spontaneous destruction

    You'll say you didn't mean it
    You'll fake your tears
    It's okay, I'm used to it
    You've been doing this for years

    Only today did reality wake me
    From my deep sleep
    Showing me the real you
    I didn't want to keep

    I don't know why you're here
    Increasing my depression
    Saddening my eternal being
    That's sickened by my obsession

    What do you want?
    Take it and leave
    Maybe I'll wake up
    And this will all be a dream

    I altered your image
    Hoping you weren't really there
    Making my heart hurt
    While I feel it tear

    I know this is right
    I should have known this would come
    The day where I'd wake up
    And I turn numb

    I won't feel anymore
    I need restriction
    So I won't hear thoughts of you
    My hopeless addiction