• Never thought that it could happen you see,
    but now parents are dead and its the middle of the night
    and only one left is me.
    Drunk driver, car crash, then lights out...
    Theres still my older bro who is
    drivin home from his graduation party, but
    for all I know he's probably sittin at home.
    Now my back is broke and I lost all hope.
    Time to join 'em where angels fly,
    where everybody goes when they die...
    Wake up in a hospital bed,
    with white sheets n' walls and I ask
    am I dead?
    Can't move my arms, can't move my legs.
    Doctor walks in the room, guess what he says.
    "Son, I'm just so sad. We tried but we couldn'd save ya mom or dad."
    I said yes I know that but why can't I move
    and why is it so hard to breathe?
    Why the fu*k am I hooked up to this machine?
    What happened to the man that hit us dead on, head on
    driving down the wrong side of the road?
    Did he die? Hope so.
    He look down to the ground and this is his reply
    "Your paralyzed waist down,
    and this machine keeps you alive.
    As for the driver that hit you
    there he is standin by the door...."
    I look to the left and blink my eyes to be sure,
    but no, theres my brother soaked in blood cryin his eyes out on the floor...