• 'Don't look a gift horse in the mouth'
    'cause he's probably going to bite you.
    You should use binoculars.

    'If your friends jumped off a bridge,
    would you jump too?'
    Which bridge? Would you give me a lift?
    I'll jump any time.

    'Don't go outside like that,
    you'll catch your death.'
    Where is it? Tell it I want to make a deal.

    'An apple a day keeps the doctor away.'
    But only if you aim just right.

    'Don't make a mountain out of a molehill.'
    But if I did... those would be some pretty huge moles.

    'The early bird gets the worm.'
    I don't like worms
    I don't need worms
    I'm not even a bird.

    'People who live in glass houses don't throw stones.'
    My house is made of anything I want it to be made of,
    And I'll throw anything I want to throw.
    Would you stop me? If I really wanted to.

    'Where there's a will, there's a way.'
    But if there is no will? No way.

    'Money does not grow on trees'
    Neither does sadness, but we seem to have plenty of that.

    'I never talked to my mother like that!'
    I'm not you
    I never will be
    Don't compare us,
    it will only make me angrier.

    'If you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all.'
    I'll say what I
    damned well want to.
    There's no tax on angry words.

    'Be careful what you wish for, it just might come true.'
    Oh don't I know this
    much better than you?
    You have no room to talk.

    'The worst is yet to come.'
    The worst is already coming
    I can see it on the horizon.
    But it feels as if it's
    already upon me.