• Message to God

    i sent a message to god yesterday,mom
    in it i ask him if i would die
    if so i ask him would you be sad
    and mad at him
    and would he forgive you if you did
    i ask if he could make you forget
    forget about me ,and all those pain
    i also ask if he could make you remember .
    ,remember all those day we been together
    such a happy day it was
    and so i ask him one more thing
    if im about to die
    could he spare me a second
    to say i love you... to you mom
    So i sent a message to god yesterday
    I ask him so many thing , mom
    and today i was dead
    yet i have no reget
    because after all i did say
    i love you, mom....forver and at rest
    i love you ,mom.......

    By : TBK