• Thou are my life
    I can't live without thy
    Thou are my world
    But thy doesn't care about me
    Thou is my friend
    But thy won't talk to me
    Why is thy like this
    Why does thy hate me
    Thou can't stand me in public
    Thou is embarrased of me
    Why am I not good enough!
    Why do thou try to break me!
    Thou is so cruel at times
    Why does thy hate me
    Why can't thy be my friend
    Thou is stupid to do this to me
    Why is thy so stupid
    Thou can lift my spirits
    But thy crushes them
    Thou kills me
    Thou doesn't care
    Thou is dead but thy is also alive
    My pain is thy high
    My joy is thy death
    Thou is my sweet bliss
    I am thy punching bag
    Thou doesnt want me
    I want thy no matter what
    Thou wants me dead
    But without thy I am dead
    Thou is my demon of death
    Thou is my angel of life