• sorrow weighs heavy on my heart
    the words that all these people beleive
    the sight of the lie stays in my sights
    i watch them fall into oblivion like lemmings
    following their false hope
    the hope that leads to their end
    so then they discover
    they discover that this place doesnt exist
    they refused to just accept it
    why do we refuse to accept nothing
    we have redused it to horible fears
    but this oblivion is my sactuary
    this eturnal rest
    this final blink
    i will accept the embrace...
    the sweet embrace
    the end of this race
    it has chased me to the end of my cliff
    and so now i will fall
    and accept the release
    and i will let the weights fall off of my tired shoulders
    and let my body finaly die
    finaly sleap
    never a hurtful word
    and now no hurtful memories
    just the sweet oh sweet end...
    the sweet and final embrace...
    the embrace of oblivion
    the embrace...
    the ever sweet embrace of death