• Twas I was alone, nothing but a knife in hand, then came out of the darkness, the faint sound.

    Who..Who...cried the lone voice of the darkness of the night.

    What was that? I wondered, then there it was, on the branch, the tawny owl with brown eyes.

    Who..who...cried the lone voice in sorrow.

    Was is the matter bird of night? there is plenty of food, shelter, you shouldn't worry anymore..

    Who....who...cried the owl in sorrow once more.

    Thy beast rather not talk with man? then we will talk with our weapons! Man verses beast!

    Who...who...cried out the owl in anger and rage.

    The Owl was faster than it looked, then soon after 30 minutes past of endless fighting, I lost my balance on a tall cliff falling to my death.

    who..who...the owl cried in sorrow...

    twas that was why it was in sorrow, in fear of fighting. I said before I fell into my grave in the murky waters.

    twas the last sound I heard was...