• So we can all agree that there are many annoying people in the world right? There are little brothers, girls who think they freakin own everyone, greedy people, stubborned self-centered jerks, twilight fans, and of course parents and when I mean parents I'm talking about the man of the house, the head of the body, the one person who refuses to give you money but does anyway with a mad frown on his face on a Saturday night. Yes, I'm talking about him, better known as "dad".
    "So dad, I'm here sitting next to you just to you know hang out with the man who raised me. And since you're finally giving up some of your so-called "busy" time, I'd like to just talk and share whats on my mind, 'kay?-well great! So here's what I have to say: Dude! Whats wrong with you? Better yet, is there something wrong with me?! I do my homework, I get good grades, I practice my guitar like you tell me to do and you dont even appreciate it! What am I like your slave? "Cuz you tell me to do things for you and i do them like the good daughter I am you dont even say thank you. Like seriously, am I your slave or a maid? Well I guess to parents thats the good thing about having kids because they do the things that parents are too lazy to do- but to us kids, its not cool!
    "Hmm, I'll tell you what, if you go buy me a B.C. Rich Warbeast electric guitar then I'll stop this random nonsense I'm giving you right now, alright?....Hmm, I bet you're not even listening to me right now. Nope! You and your damn Blackberry, I bet if i smacked it out of your hands you'd ground me, yup well I'm not going to do it 'cuz I'm a good girl, ha.
    "Well anyways, I'm going up to my room to go drugs and drown myself in all the misery you've given me while probably cutting myself, ok?....Oh, so you hear that. Yeah, I get it I'm grounded for 2 weeks yeah yeah, good night, dad! Oh and by the way I was kidding!! Oh whatever."