• I loved you.
    I fell for you.
    I'de have done anything for you.
    And this is how you repay me.
    I thought I found the one.
    I thought it would last.
    I didn't think we'de end this way.
    But the bitterness of you remains.
    You said your sorry.
    You want to be friends.
    You said it'de be ok.
    But I gave you my heart.
    You said I knew it was coming.
    You said it was obvious.
    You said you don't like long term.
    Well now you can live with your lies.
    I loved you til the end.
    I gave you my heart to keep.
    I shared my talent with you.
    And you shoved it all away.
    You finally said whatever.
    You wanted it to end.
    You obviously didn't care.
    And its easy to tell you got sick of me.