• The trail is hard
    but i cant give in yet
    i barely slip by
    coming just shy
    but some how i still fly
    others slice through with easy
    but my feet drag and im tiring fast
    i dont know how much longer
    im not getting any stronger
    no child is left behind they say
    but i still lack the help i need to make my way
    i look on to a path less taken
    i try to move on to never be shaken
    the words i write shall be my life
    even if they lead to its end
    the day will come were i canot pretend
    ill have to get real
    or face the darkness
    how long will this last?
    the pointless things they shove into my head
    they say we are given a choise
    which we are but the choises are slim
    choise one you will fight hard and waist it all
    or give up and lose the world as you know it
    i just cant take it
    i truely hate this
    why cant it end, this isnt helping me at all
    some day my life will stall
    and so then i will fall and fall