• You fret it for years,
    you think how it all hapens,
    you wonder when it happens,
    your'e scared,
    your'e relaxed,
    your'e happy,
    your'e mad.

    These feelings aren't unnatural,
    But you should live with it,
    there is no beating death.

    The knife will swipe into your chest,
    stealing your essence,
    stealing your soul.

    Death should not scare you,
    it's but another chapter into your souls existance.
    Another reason to stay,
    another way to show bravery,
    is to believe,
    how bravery is not to try and beat death,
    but to welcome it,
    as a long awaited freind,
    waiting to be noticed in the crowd,
    only when the time is right. emo