• Everyday i watch
    as children go unwatched
    I see a child roaming the cities a lone
    no real place to call a home
    For this child there is no one to bandage a boo boo
    there is no one to hold close to tell them it is alright

    And we wonder why?
    why god have you frosaken these, these pitlless souls to such a life?
    and never does he answer
    for not even he can answer to such an autrocity
    no one can imagine the life of the damned
    no one

    so where are the mothers?
    so where are the fathers?
    who can take care of these children
    who can give a child the one thing we all need
    <not part of poem>
    you know whats really sick
    the orginization for stray animals profits more then the orginization for orphan children, please ******** explain that to me, try to