• I stand on the edge of my mind looking into its depths.
    What I see frightens me.
    The voices feel the void with their moans of pain.
    What I hear horrifies me.
    The smell of so many broken dreams chokes the air.
    What I smell sickens me.
    The chains of memories lash out and hook their barbs into my flesh.
    What I feel cripples me.

    I stand on the thresh hold of insanity and sanity.
    The lines of pain and pleasure blur.
    The chains no longer cut, but they excite.
    The smell twist threw the air turning sweet as my mind warps.
    The moans are they of pain, no they are of pleasure.
    Once again I stare into my mind and what do I see?

    A creature,
    A creature that knows not pain,
    A creature that has no emotion,
    A creature of primal furry,
    And that creature is me.