• people always ask why i write,
    all the time i get it
    "greg, why waste your time with words?
    there's no use for them anymore anyways."
    and despite the frustration,
    i force out a quick smile and a sentence
    "i don't know, friend, it's just who i am, i guess"
    and move on

    you want to know why i really write?
    you want to know why i waste the precious days away?
    because i've got demons in here,
    daily threats to my sanity
    and i let them lounge around in these useless words, once a day
    and when they are done, i spit this poison out through my pen

    if i didn't write, the demons would grow restless
    and then no amount of time would be able to stop them
    so i continue on, stumbling my way through this life
    and give the demons their hour or two a day to themselves
    praying that it is enough to satiate their need for escape

    but i've got a 3 foot rope tied and ready for the day they get free
    just in case