• i remember the day back when i was 8 i was a sad little boy couldn't even get a date all the girls in my class thay called me a f** and all the boys gust hated on me and this is gust a metaphor batein on me but that was then and this is now and i changed my out look on life and i changed my mind twice and now i see what my life should be and i remember back i 8th grad that s**t was a craz had some fun with some bums had a frind ish he was good at art he even thout he was the s**t he in spird me to be all i could be and in the summer i ******** wiht this girl even got her number i even thout i loved her but she cheated so conceded ******** beet it girl and i changed for the better my hearts back together and i changed in some ways i cant even explan and i remember not to long ago it was summer running fun got sent away by the stat when i was gone my mama died right in frint of my eyes man wanted to die and at the home i wasn't alone i got to know some realz cool peoples and out of all the girls that i was with only on had my heart and she might have been playing with my love and soul but i dident care my mind wasint prepared for the thing that she dide to me not talking bout sex but she might have been the best and i still love her but hay we all got to chang and i'v changed and if you like what you see hit me up if you with it this is docter k and i'm ******** sick with it. R.I.P Felicia cooks 9-19-09