• Sleepless nights and endless days,
    But at the end we all go our seperate ways,
    broken hearts and altered thoughts,
    pity and love are always sought,
    one can't exist without the other,
    at least thats what we were told by our mothers,
    we give our hearts to others only to have them crushed,
    rarely do we the one thats all we want but their rushed,
    forced by peer pressure without thought they hurt us,
    they cause a whole mess of confusion and fuss,
    as if injuries aren't enough they insult us with excuses,
    but sadly for them excuses aren't very good uses,
    to get out of problems they dont think,
    they lie or try to change problems with paper and ink,
    they heart can only suffer so much pain and stress,
    before it pumps so hard it blows out of your chest,

    -The phantom of poetry