• The shattered pieces of my broken heart
    Lay scattered all around me,
    And I look on in wonder,
    Asking myself, why me?

    Does anybody notice me?
    Can't anybody hear my screams?
    Doesn't anyone see that I am
    Tearing at the seams?

    I look ahead into the distance
    And see a shadow far away.
    Foolishly, my spirits rise;
    Maybe someone will help today.

    You walked so slowly towards me,
    You stretched out a loving hand,
    And told me you'd be with me,
    My past mistakes be damned.

    I took the help you offered,
    Glad to know somebody cared,
    And though it was hard to trust again,
    I knew that you'd be there.

    And wherever this life takes me,
    To places old and new,
    Always remember in your heart
    That I will never forget you.