• who was i?
    i was happy and carefree,
    i could be myself around my family,
    i used to enjoy life and love,
    and my smile was pure every day.
    who am i?
    i keep myself locked away,
    hidden from the light of the world.
    my smile is now fake
    and a tru sense of bliss is rare.
    love is barely anything but a word and
    now that i know what goes on in life,
    i cant stand any of it.
    it brings tears to my eyes.
    i can no longer stand up for myself
    and i cant state my opinion.

    i may never be who i once was
    she has run away,
    no where to be found.
    she cant be seen or heard.
    her screams are silent
    her pain is invisible.
    she is gone