• It was all just an accident
    You were oblivious to that fact
    It was first was an act
    then it appeared to be an event

    Months went by
    Thoughts were getting to me
    Months of not being able to see
    I need to say goodbye

    You were sent into a melancholy state
    All I can say is I am conscience stricken
    You still put up with me even though I'm a chicken
    Might I say that you and I relate

    What was thought as fate
    Is this going to pass
    will we be able to surpass
    Or can we make a new slate

    If only I were content
    but love is too abstract
    If only I could lie
    yet that is not the key
    How long is the wait
    time does not quicken
    Is it too late
    you may be my last