• The Rocket That Went Around the World
    “Sir, it has been a success!” Tim cheered. “Finally, NASA is on the verge of launched the first rocket around the world!” yelled Captain Jerome. “For all these years NASA have been wasting money on fuel, sending rockets to space. But, now we can finally save our money by sending the rockets to space with this powerful fuel!”

    Here in room 23231312 in U.S.A, Florida, NASA, the small group “miracle squad” has achieved a great discovery. If they use a special fuel Captain Jerome has made, they can fly a rocket reducing the fuel by 70%. Captain Jerome is a genius but he has a high temper. He leads the squad. Tim is the man who controls the rocket by a little remote. Tim does the day time control. Ryan does the night time control. Ryan does the same job as Tim. Joe locates the rocket and checks the rockets status.

    The rocket is a very important object. Not because it is going to be the first rocket to go around the world by just one blast of but because of its unusual characteristics. It is made out of metal. You can consider it light (5 pounds) when it is as big as a shark. It is very hard and a meteor would not destroy it. This material is made by Captain Jerome and is assisted by talented Fred.

    Fred is very talented young man. He can find clues easily and he knows a lot about science. He is a good athlete (even though NASA doesn’t consider that very useful to the organization) He can speak more than 10 languages, and many more!

    One night, in the room 23233112…… “Sir, wake up!” yelled Ryan. “rrrrr, mama don’t g……” The captain said quietly. “Wake up! Wake up!” Ryan yelled in his ear. The captain slowly woke up. “Its 2 o’clock in the morning! What, is this a prank or something? You should be working! That’s what your get paid for!” the captain angrily protested. “But sir, the control won’t move. I think the rocket hit something. Ask Joe sir.” explained Ryan. “Fine, Joe! Wake up! I need you!” spoke Captain Jerome. “Sir, I was awake, I just closed my eyes for a couple of hours.” Joe slowly spoke. And I let me just quickly take a look.

    “Sir, I can’t locate it! Last time I located it (thirty minutes ago) was in the middle Pacific Sea.” Joe surprisingly said. “Hmmm, I dreamed of this. The rocket crashed. Ah, my wonderful work failed me. NASA paid 3 billion to get all the materials for this project. Now it’s somewhere in the middle of the ocean! Captain Jerome said quietly. “I am going to call Fred, it’s an emergency. We need the talented young person to fix this.”

    “I’m here! What’s the emergency? Is it the heater again? If so, all you have to do is…...” Fred was then interrupted by Captain Jerome, “I need you to track down the rocket. It was seen last on the edge of the Pacific Ocean.” “But, the…” again Fred was interrupted. “It’s an order! We will tell you the details in the jet.”

    The miracle squad got there, they found a great surprise. They saw an animal that looked like a pink horse and had a horn. “What is that?” asked Ryan. “Oh my god, it’s a unicorn!” Captain Jerome screams as if he was a fan girl at a Hannah Montana concert. “Hm, they say unicorns are not real. Maybe its someone dressed in a costume.” said Fred. “Hey you! Yeah, you over there are you human or a unicorn?” yelled Joe. The unicorn or human turned around on all fours and said “of course I’m a unicorn. Do I look like a human to you? For unicorn’s sake, I’m on all fours!” “Why are you talking, I’ve never heard of a talking unicorn.” protested Joe. “I’m the first of my kind” yelled the talking unicorn and stuck out his Tongue at him. “Come’ ere, I’m gonna… Joe started muttering and headed towards the unicorn. Fred stop him though, and told him “first, lets ask him if he has seen the rocket and then capture him.” “I heard you, the rocket is over there but I’m not planning to capture it for you. The unicorn pointed to tree and then disappeared out of thin air. In the tree he pointed to there was the rocket, not scratched, touched, or bruised in anyway.

    Nobody except Fred could climb the tree, so Fred climbed tree and dropped it down to the rest of the miracle squad. They went back in the Jet and flew to NASA safely with the rocket.

    With that the mission completed, everyone left work. Captain Jerome went to his home in Ireland to work on some of his inventions. Joe worked for NASA and helped navigating rockets in space. Ryan and Tim worked at a museum and took a security shift. Fred later on led many missions and succeeded in most of them. With this story, I will say