• A path of gold
    fame of fortune have been foretold to people
    who travel this road.
    Yet for some reason they've never come home.

    I want a path of hopes and dreams
    Where everything is easy and free.
    But all who i look up to,
    really don't want me to.
    Take the path of weeds and dirt.

    The road of weeds and dirt,
    is a tough and terrible path.
    I walk the path and go through pain,
    I am surprised i have not yet gone insane.
    Walking this path is a terrible pain.

    I walked for days and even nights
    I want my mother to hold me tight.
    I wonder if the path of gold is the path
    where happiness really is foretold.

    As i reach my destination
    it seems to be a familiar location.
    Why am i home again?

    The path of weeds and dirt symbolizes hard work.
    The path of gold is the path untold.
    Can you really expect to just get it all? No.
    Work hard and one day get it all.
    Be close to family and friends,
    and don't let greed consume you in the end.