• once upon a time ago
    By Ryla Mira Potter

    once upon a time
    we were best
    of friends

    once upon a time
    we meant nothing
    less to
    each other

    once upon a time ago
    i knew her
    I could be sure

    she wouldn't lie
    she wouldn't pry
    she wouldn't
    she wouldn't

    once upon a time
    i knew she loved me.
    i knew she would

    try to make me cry
    and i would do the same.
    but fairy tales don't last
    and im afraid neither will this.

    i love her like a sister
    i thought she felt the same
    but at least i know to her it's
    just a game.
    once upon a time we laughed
    and played games

    but at least i know to her
    it's jut a game.

    once upon a time
    we were best
    of friends

    but now its time to say
    goodbye for now
    for now we part

    once upon a time
    months and months ago
    we had fun
    we had everything

    but at least i know to
    her it's just a game.