At one time you were the man of my dreams,
Now you're out to hurt me, or so it seems.
Although all the feelings aren't much weaker than before,
God has given me another chance, an open door.
I'm thankful for all that I learned from you,
I'll never regret the feelings we went through.
As hard as it is for me to admit,
My life right now is a better fit.
I'm happy with the direction in which I am going,
There are fears deep inside I couldn't be showing.
I let you hurt me, you let me forgive
Yet the rush you sent me was fun to live.
I should have made the whirling stop,
I was a queen, of life I was top.
Still it feels like no one else can compare,
But I've come to realize, life isn't fair.
I don't blame you, or anyone else,
The problems I have come from myself.
Yet the world turns, I have to be strong,
I'm proud of myself and how far I've come along.
Even my close friends are blind, don't see the truth,
To figure it out you'd be a real sleuth.
I try to write but you're all that's on my mind,
I see the harm but I still want that bind.
Maybe one day we'll be on speaking terms,
The world is strict and cruel like a law firm.
Yet I'm stronger, keep my head way high,
Without you, I'm still getting by.
Wrote it today during class, raw, unedited.
Thought I might put it up anyways.
Based on evens that have happened, but that have passed. It's nothing really special, just felt like writing it for my friend who is going through what I went through already.
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