• #88: You’ve always been told to do your best
    To get better
    To save the nation
    To save the world
    Then they force you into capitalist facilities to brainwash you for your entire youth
    Telling you to work harder
    To get a better educati0on
    All the while they tell you that it won’t be enough
    To get you the car
    To get you the job
    To get you the life that makes it worth living for
    So they throw in more pressure saying it will be what’s needed
    To make your life what you want
    But it just leads to more pressure
    To pay the bills
    To feed the family
    To get the promotion
    To be a good little player in their corporate game of pennies
    Then some place will be devastated
    Many people will be hurt
    Many people will be without a home
    So they apply more pressure to save some people in a far off land
    So you send your paycheck to help some people
    Never knowing half the money goes to corporate pockets
    Then half of what’s left goes into the hands of a ******** up governments that oppress those people
    Hardly a single cent going to the people digging in the rubble to find their families
    Mean while you go back home
    In a gang run neighborhoods
    Never knowing what it is to free
    Always given the pressure to free others
    Don’t you understand it’s a cycle of pressure
    To be the hero
    To get the cash
    To leave your fellow man down and beaten