• I've done many hard things,
    But this was one of the worst.
    Ending it was something i just couldn't do.
    I cheated on you, and that wasn't right.

    Ending our relationship was something i had to do.
    I didn't want to hurt you more,
    I just wasn't fair on you
    I had to choose someone, and that person was you.

    We had our ups and downs
    But in the end, it wasn't right
    And now, when i say the classic line
    Please believe me, because i truly mean it

    It's not you. its me.
    Please, please believe me when i say this
    Because i wrote this for you.

    Don't think this was easy, like taking out the trash
    It was as hard as can be
    But it had to be done,

    Ending it was something i wasn't ready to do
    But like a hunter must kill an animal, to survive
    I killed our relationship
    So you and i could survive.

    And now as i say the classic line
    Please believe me when i say:
    It's not you, it's me.