• Every time I think of death,
    I have to ask god why.
    Every time I try to smile,
    I'm forced to say goodbye.
    Everytime I remember,
    I beg god to help me foregt.
    Every time my heart beats,
    I try to rip it from my chest.
    Every time you kiss her,
    I die a little inside.
    Everytime she smirks,
    I remember how hard I tried.
    Every time I see you cry,
    I want to hurt her more and more.
    Every time my heart breaks,
    I become even more sure.
    Every time I see a sunflower
    I remember summer days.
    Every time I see you,
    I think of razor blades.
    Every time I see you
    I think of my stash of pills.
    Every time I see you
    I think of love that kills.
    Every time I see you,
    I think of everlasting death.
    Every time I see you,
    I remember you steal my dying breath.