• When all hope dies what happens?
    What comes next, after you give up on everything?
    I left my heart down a road i won't miss,
    it will never return from the infectious abyss.
    The depths of my soul are now shadows.
    Blank spaces where I used to place my belief in love.
    I am cursed to feel the pain my heart knows,
    and I can no more see a light from above.
    I only see a decayed image of hell.
    It smells of death, hatred, fire and brimstone.
    Is this what happens when we fail?
    Am I to make this place my mind's new home?
    My tear ducts are dried out and i cannot release this pain,
    and I feel like an idiot with yet another headache.
    Too many sleepless nights, am i going insane?
    Now i ask, how much pain can one man take?
    She was my everything, my love, and my life.
    I would do anything for her, even take bullets for the girl.
    I even had plans to give her the ring that would make her my wife.
    I guess this was her vision of a beautiful world.
    Her words. They cut me deeper than my razors ever have.
    They stuck me in a emotional that i dont know how to feel.
    I am falling from my cloud with nothing to grab,
    and now life to me doesn't even seem real.
    I wish I could wake up from this everlasting nightmare.
    I need to breathe, but my lungs are getting lazy.
    My spirits are broken and i can no longer care.
    My thoughts are drifting, and reality seems hazy.
    I stand now, barely, as a broken down man.
    I am never to feel, never to love again.