• With jumbled vision,
    to you're comparison
    of life.
    Left betrayed.
    Now in darkened,

    Always wrapped up in an adorned world.
    Maybe in a more tolerable light.
    We would not have given up the fight.....
    so easily.

    You would always discriminate,
    because you were to blind to see

    Most have no resistance,
    to the ravages of eye's
    Only judging by exterior.
    Ruthlessly deciding by appearance.

    And people like me,
    still with our originality.
    Making us feel so inferior.

    The lingering humiliation.
    Will forever preserve.
    That you have done everything possible
    to demolish our existence.

    We always had to keep our distance.
    There was no way you would appreciate.
    Every attempt we would make,
    for perfection.

    Scientifically you would differentiate.
    In my mind,
    I tried to recreate.
    My soul now weathered.
    The thought of it was sickening.
    To you, we had no voice.
    Left in silent percussion.

    Fading in a muted disappearance.
    Living in separated silhouettes.
    Left behind with pain full reminders.
    Especially words darkened,
    and with trust destroyed.
    I raise my false glass.
    Trying to avoid.
    All the scattered thoughts.