• Walking in the desert of my mind, Walking endless miles trying to find what could not be found. I felt like an animal lost, looking for something that was not there. You were standing in your own desert alone as if you had been there for an eternity. Lost was I but were you? The question ringed in my mind. Was it you who found me lost or did I find you missing? Our intermingled thoughts turned into an oasis in the middle of our deserts, where we could be together in eternity. Right before I could speak you told me that you were lost and thanked me for saving you. I told you that you were welcome but I was also lost. You laughed then, I looked at you in puzzlement. And you said, Becouse the exit is you and I do you not see? I looked into her eyes and saw you spoke the truth. What do we do then, I asked honestly. Listen love are you that innocent? Confusion swept over my mind, I saw the flashes of it all over the place. She laughed that beautiful laugh of hers again. Love. It was the last word you said to me before we walked through the door to life.