• All I had, I gave it
    All this love we made it
    I shared my heart and my world with you
    Just to have it crushed and destroyed
    Falling apart right before my eyes
    All because of me
    Now all I can do is sit back and watch
    Watch my heart shatter to millions of pieces
    As the fragments of our memories rain down
    Reflecting my faults in every glimmering shard
    I learned the hard way there is no such thing as a perfect man
    The harder you try the worst the outcome
    I formed her life into the worst kind of rain cloud
    Holding in the tension and retaining all my bullshit
    Storing all of the arguments
    Until those clouds part
    And her tears of frustration rained on my world
    Covering my eyes in her pain, pouring out her heart all at 1 time
    I caused this

    I caused this tremendous dark cloud of hate
    Through all of this, I learned that being that perfect man is like being God
    Its impossible
    Only God can be God
    And Only God can control the weather and the rain clouds