• rivolous facts,
    Useless details,
    So many people and places
    That just don't matter.

    It all repeats it's self
    The only thing that changes
    Are the names.

    A battle her, an battle there,
    Then a treaty ends it all,
    But soon it's broken
    And another war breaks out.

    A revolution!
    New ideas and artifacts,
    New politicians take over
    And a change is promised;
    But they just make the same mistakes.

    Another book, another discovery,
    "This will go down in history!"
    It probably did,
    But so did they all;
    This one will be no different form the rest.

    So why do we study it,
    It won't ever help us?

    We "discover" the same "new" ideas,
    Learn the same facts
    But we can't avoid the same mistakes.

    So why do we study it all,
    When history will never change?