• No matter how dark the times become
    Despite the bad luck you may have
    There will always be something that can make you smile

    Ignore the horrible thoughts
    Scream out all your held in pain
    Relax dear one and rest awhile

    I know it hurts right now
    And I know it'll hurt later on
    But someone will be there whether you know it now or not

    It's completely fine to cry now and again
    Who cares about those who will judge you
    You won't be forever stuck at this spot

    Life goes on my love
    And nothing stays and nothing stops
    Everything will always change from here on out

    Though it doesn't seem so right now
    Work for it and things will get better
    Don't always be filled with such immense doubt

    And if this road seems too long
    Even if no one is there to hold your hand
    I believe whole heartedly that you can make it to the end

    And when this path ends at the sunrise
    When everything is lit up and known
    Despite the hard times it'll be your heart that will mend

    I know the dark days seem to stay forever
    And I understand how difficult it is to keep taking that step
    But the regret that comes from standing still is worse when you quit

    Things won't always be this way
    And now you see it wasn't ever really so hard
    I made it.