• The burden I hold,
    Longs to break free.
    The confines of my chest
    Cannot hold this pain any longer.
    The pieces of my broken heart
    Cut my ribs and lungs,
    Making it hard to breathe
    In this hell.
    My sorrow and anger
    Mix into anguish
    As the cold steel of my blade
    Presses into my skin.
    I wait for him
    I want for him
    But this cannot wait any longer
    As the bitter tears run down
    My already tear stained face.
    A sob strangles me,
    Chokes me.
    I can't do this.
    I cannot end his life,
    Though he ended mine with a simple
    "We're done here."
    Leaving me falling
    Into the depths of my pain.
    Where I waited for my savior
    Where I wanted for release.
    My heart convusles
    In another spasm
    Of tourture,
    And I sob
    Against his kitchen floor, the knife
    Falling against the tiles.
    And there he emerges,
    Shadowed in the darkness.
    He looks at me, and tilts his head, and then
    He smiles.
    "You've made a mistake."
    He murmurs, picking up the cool handle of my knife.
    He comes at me,
    And again,
    I fall into the deepest pits of hell.
    I am betrayed by myself.
    By my love,
    For the man who has killed me.
    As I sit, and I watch him
    He seems to know I am still there.
    He falls to his knees and sobs.
    I like to think for me.
    He again raises the steel knife,
    And subjects himself to the torture I had.
    I shall never be free.