• Silent screams fill the air,
    Blood pouring threw his hair,
    Laughter soft and sweet,
    Butchered him just like meat,
    The silver knife shines in my hand,
    He died crossing over this land,
    Shadows sweep over over him now,
    Just to make sure the gun sounds pow,
    A bright smile splits my face,
    Oh,I murdered him with such grace,
    Moon light shines on the bloody mess,
    I wounder who will cry less,
    me or his mother,
    or will there be any other
    Gladly I grab him up by his leg,
    quickly I cut his head and drop it in a keg,
    I laugh again,
    as I peel of his skin,
    Grimly I know the light will soon rise,
    I finish quickly,poking out his eyes,
    I am known as the moonlight killer,
    honestly I'm only a thriller,
    The fun,
    without the sun,
    makes me kill,
    what a spill,
    his blood on my shirt,
    might alert,
    them on the way,
    all what the hay,
    With his chest still in the back,
    hoping to not fall of track,
    I throw whats left in the lake,
    never find the body,hopefully eaten by a snake