• #78: I’m tiered and exhausted from the lake of sleep
    But when tomorrows meeting fail
    WE can talk together about of efforts
    If they don’t arrest us all

    Their tazers and sticks are held up high
    Many of us will suffer and they come on down
    But we can heal together
    If they don’t arrest us all

    They came to town to piss on the ground
    Where the workers stand
    To destroy this earth and place the trees into their pockets
    But we can resist as one if they don’t arrest us all

    They built a wall around their slaughter house
    But our strength is stronger than a bricks
    So we will tear this wall down
    And we can dance upon the rubble if they don’t arrest us all

    So their digging in deep
    Arming the cops with military arms
    Well with a fist stronger then city halls
    We will free our town if they font arrest us all

    We will expose their lies
    And they’ll have a hard time pushing for convictions
    When we are the jury
    So we will challenge their laws if they don’t arrest us all

    We will keep on fight for a world free of greed
    It’s in our rivers, seas, and mountains
    Our time alive is so small
    So we will rise as one if they don’t arrest us all

    In solidarity we are strongest
    Across the lands and through skin we can see our comrades
    And we have a power stronger then theirs if we wanted
    So we will take over the prisons if they arrest us all